Monday, July 30, 2007

Cookbook Spaces

The need for cookbook spaces is becoming a necessity in the modern kitchen. There is a great demand for cookbooks in this new age of healthy eating. Making smarter food choices can mean less time at the doctor's office fighting illnesses and diseases in the future. Most kitchens do not have a bookcase, but your cookbooks can still be accessible with a little help from modern technology and human ingenuity.

You may have space under a cabinet to store a small computer which can give you thousands of recipes at the touch of a finger. Another solution might come from the top of your head, or right in front of your nose. Do you have room for shelves over or under your existing kitchen cabinets? If you don't cook much, maybe a simple file box which will hold recipe cards can be placed on the counter top somewhere. There are small recipe stands sold at specialty shops that will hold a wire bound book of index cards you can flip through. Some of the stands are big enough to lay a family vintage cookbook on to refer to while you are preparing a special dish. Then place the vintage cookbook on a shelf in another room for safe keeping until you need it again.

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