Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Buttons - Family Memories

Buttons are not just for blouses anymore! You can use buttons on almost anything you would like to decorate today. A friend of mine made a beautiful wall hanging display. She cut a piece of black velvet fabric to fit the inside of a 10 x 14 window box frame. On the black velvet fabric she attached a small white doily her grandmother had crocheted many years ago. My friend had been given her grandmother's sewing box, holding many family memories. In it were all the things she had used to mend her family's clothing with over the years: a darning needle, vintage buttons, a wooden needle case, a needle threader, a thimble, a seam ripper and a unique collection of buttons her grandmother had kept from their clothing. My friend had a trophy shop inscribe a small brass plate with her grandmother's name, birth date and death date on it. She placed the brass plate at the bottom of the frame. Lastly, she put a picture of her grandmother in a tiny vintage picture frame, and placed it inside the top right-hand corner of the window frame with all the unique buttons place around the doily among the other sewing notions. My friend plans to give the precious window box frame to her daughter when she gets married.
Buttons can be used on other things too. I've seen them glued to door knobs, used as earrings, added with old broken pieces of jewelry to make brooches, large ones used as board game pieces, and many other things. Let your imagination run wild with ideas for their uses!

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