Wednesday, August 22, 2007


We all want to be treated fairly and kindly. To be told that you are a good friend to others is a very high complement in these days and times. Honesty and openness are good traits to keep in regard to relationships too. Some people feel the need to pry into other's personal lives, but even if what you would say is truthful, there are times when not divulging any type of information is best. If the words will put a bad light on someone else in any way; the less said, the better.
If one is thought highly of, it is often because they are respected by their peers. Passing judgment on others is one of the surest ways to show bad character. A person with a positive attitude attracts people, and those with a constant negative attitude are not pleasant to be around. Do what you can to help others when asked; or if you see a need, ask them in private if you can help any some way. Being mindful of people's feelings will gain you their respect.

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