Sunday, August 12, 2007

Book Markers

Reading is an activity that many people enjoy. Making homemade book markers for family and friends can be both fun and helpful. For those who like to garden, find some small pretty leaves or tiny blossoms. Put them in between two pieces of wax paper that have been cut the same size, and have an adult press them with a moderately heated iron. Leave enough room at the top end to punch a hole for a ribbon to be tied through. Make small copies from original pictures, and make other book marks using the same process with the wax paper. Cut construction paper into book mark sizes, and allow children to draw special pictures of their own for their parents, grandparents or someone else special to them. You can add decorative touches to the paper book markers by using special scissors that are made to cut designs. Add glitter, confetti or other types of decorative items to your project. Allow children to think of some other things they might use as decorations.

Using the plastic pieces, for book marks, that bacon is placed on when bought at the store is another good way to recycle. Most of the plastic is thin enough to use a paper punch on at one end, so a ribbon can be strung through the hole. Crayons can be used to color these; but you must be sure that all the grease from the bacon has been thoroughly washed off the plastic.

Ask your local doctor if they might give you a few tongue depressors from their office to use in Vacation Bible Schools, or Sunday School classes, to make book markers. Crayons, colored pencils or markers can be used to make designs or pictures on them by the children.

Cut the fronts off of used greeting cards to make beautiful place holders for books too. You could even cut out specific parts of some cards, such as a bouquet of flowers, an animal , or a special verse from the inside of the card. You can use these parts of the card by themselves, or glue them onto book marks you have cut out of a contrasting piece of paper. These will make nice gifts to go inside a book you are giving to someone, or as a small gift all by themselves.

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