Friday, November 2, 2007

Leaf -Fall Wreath

In the fall of the year we begin to see many festive decorations. A wreath made of fall leaves is very easy, and will last a week or more. You will need a wire coat hanger and a bunch of fall leaves. Make sure they are different colors to add variety to the wreath. Pull the coat hanger out and shape it into a circle. Take it apart by unwinding the wire. Carefully string the leaves on the wire by punching a hole near the center of each leaf. Push them gently together until the whole wire is full.

Now, twist the two ends of the wire back together again and bend the hanger top into a small circle for hanging your wreath. Add a colorful bow near the top, and you are ready to hang the beautiful live decoration on your door. If you would like, add a few walnuts or acorns with hot glue to the wire in between the leaves or directly onto the bow.

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