Friday, November 2, 2007

Onion/Dill Cheese Ball Recipe

This is a very easy and delicious recipe for a quick cheese ball containing onion and dill. Get a prepared box of golden onion soup mix (two packages usually come to a box), about 1 teaspoon of fresh dill (diced and crushed), and two bars of cream cheese. Allow the cream cheese to come to room temperature. In a large bowl add 1 package of the golden onion soup mix, the teaspoon of prepared fresh dill (or dried if you didn't think to freeze some from summer) and the two bars of cream cheese. Mix them by hand and form into a ball. I use the heavy plastic plates that come in seasonal colors to place the cheese ball on. Wrap the plate with the cheese ball on it in cellophane wrap and attach a bow to the top. I also add to the yummy gift, a sleeve or two of round crackers in seasonal paper gift wrap.

These make wonderful gifts for family, friends or co-workers to have on hand during the holiday season. They will keep in the refrigerator for a week (but I've never known of them lasting that long). For those on your gift list that do not like dill, simply leave it out. The above cheese ball recipe is great with only the soup mix and cream cheese. The cheese balls have a better flavor if made one day ahead of time.

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