Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Job Searching

Most people who are searching for the perfect job can find it by using common sense avenues. First, know what type of job you would like to be employed in. Narrow the job title down to easily find ads and notices in newspapers, or to be able to tell other people what type of position you are interested in. Use updated information on your resume. Check all addresses and phone numbers from previous employers to make sure they are still correct. Companies sometimes move to new locations and change phone numbers, and you don't want a perspective employer thinking that you are too lazy to double check your resume for updates. It would lead them to believe you might slack off on doing your job in their company too.

Use top grade paper for your resume, and keep your list of references updated. An employer who calls a company to speak to one of your past supervisors, only to find they have retired or passed away, says nothing for your character either. Take an extra resume with you in case the employer takes the first resume you hand them, and then asks you to go to another area to fill out a company application. Take two black or two blue pens with you in case one of them runs out in the middle of filling out paperwork. Don't drink caffeine before the interview if it causes you to be nervous or jittery. Always print information on your application unless you are instructed to write your signature. Check out the current date before starting your interview day.

Keep a positive and cheerful, but not pushy, attitude when going to a job interview. The best rule to follow about information is to be honest, but don't give a lot more information than what is asked for. The interviewer's time is important to them, and usually a brief first meeting is intended to let them see how your appearance and personality is reflected, besides gaining information not presented on your resume. Look your best in relation to the type of business involved and the position you are applying for.

Always have at least one or two general questions concerning the job or company in mind to ask the interviewer. An interviewer usually will ask if you have any questions, and it may be in your favor to seem interested in finding out at least one or two facts about the business. Remember that all interviews should be looked at as learning experiences. Even if you don't get this position, you will gain knowledge that will help in future interviews.

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